
Locomotive Workshop

About the workshop

The Locomotive Workshop, an integral part of the Central Railroad of Araçatuba, is a characteristic example of the buildings of the network of the former Northwest Railway of Brazil – EFNOB, an important railway company that operated lines that connected the central-west of São Paulo to the city of São Paulo. Corumbá, on the border between Mato Grosso do Sul and Bolivia. After the Complexo de Bauru (SP), the Araçatuba complex was the largest railway junction in the network, being a strategic point for military, political and economic purposes of the Brazilian government and for the development of the municipality.

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In 2012, the Condephaat –Council for the Defense of the Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Tourist Heritage of the State of São Paulo decided on the listing of the complex, which has since been the only property registered by the agency in the municipality.


From the Stone Institute partnership with Aracatuba Prefecture, was signed in September 2016, a cooperation agreement to enable the restoration project and adaptation of the building Locomotives Workshop.

The first phase of the project was divided into three main stages: elaboration of the cultural project, research to define new uses of the space and restoration and adaptation project. With this, we sought to point out the architectural evolution of the equipment over time and its pathologies, seeing which are the best forms of intervention in the place, in addition to the intention of contextualizing the importance of the workshop in the context of the city and identifying what its needs are in the future: fields of culture, education, leisure, tourism, etc.


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Historical-documentary research and Metric-architectural survey memorial

Metric-architectural survey

Activity report and goals

Project Feasibility

In May 2017 the project was approved by the Cultural Action Program – ProAc/ICMS in the amount of R$ 499,387.24 to start fundraising, with the sponsorship of Havan.

Contracts and agreements

Araçatuba/SP Prefecture – Technical cooperation agreement

To be a sponsoring partner, just contact us

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